Welcome to the Parish of St Stephen, Skipton with Masses at St Stephen's Church, St Margaret Clitherow in Threshfield and Sacred Heart Chapel, Broughton Hall

Latest News

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To donate to the Parish Renovation Fund please click on the picture below.

Your donation can be Gift Aided



Live Stream from St Stephen's 

Please see the Weekly Newsletter for Mass times 

First Holy Communion May 2024

Congratulations to Elodie, Enosh, Lucie, Maximillian and Oliver




New Church Guide now available in our Churches

Suggested donation £5 in aid of the St Stephen’s Church Restoration Fund

 Click here to read the full history of St Stephen's Parish

and for links to additional information.


 From Parish to Mission

Phase 2 of Our Journey from Parish to Mission is underway!

Our second stage Listening meeting took place on Sunday 12 June 2022

The parish is the presence of the Church in a given territory, an environment for hearing God’s word, for growth in the Christian life, for dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach, worship and celebration. In all its activities the parish encourages and trains its members to be evangelizers.    (Evangelii Gaudium 28)

  1. What, within our current practice as a parish and diocese, helps to fulfil this vision?
  2. What would our parish and diocese look like if this vision was being fully lived?
  3. What practical steps can we take to move towards that fully lived reality?

From Parish to Mission - link to Diocesan information, including videos and other resources






Live Streaming of Sunday Mass from Leeds Cathedral

Holy Mass is live-streamed on SUNDAYS at 11.00am

 To participate online, please access the Leeds Cathedral Live YouTube channel. The words of Prayers, Devotions and Orders of Service may be viewed, or downloaded from the Diocesan and Cathedral websites: